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Smart Green Materials Service for Human Health

Become a world-class supplier of pharmaceutical and lubrication materials

Polysorbate 20(For Injection)

Addtime:2023-08-28 Hit: 1218

CAS number: 9005-64-5

CDE registration number: F20190001866A

FDA DMF: 36565

Pharmacopoeia specification compliance: USP/EP/ChP

Storage: In an airtight container, protected from light.


Properties and Benefits

Comply with the specifications of the current EP and USP.

With the precise polymerization technology and high-efficiency directional esterification technology, the composition is stable and the batch-to-batch variability is reduced.

Compared with non-injectable grade, the acid value, peroxide value and water content are even lower.

Compared with non-injection grade, it significantly improves safety and reduces the incidence of allergic reactions (see the figure below).



Nonionic surfactants, solubilizers, wetting agents.

Widely used as an emulsifier for oil-in-water pharmaceutical emulsions.
