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Smart Green Materials Service for Human Health

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Sorbitol Sorbitan Solution

Addtime:2023-08-28 Hit: 838

CAS number: 98201-93-5 & 8007-43-0

CDE registration number: F20180000493

Pharmacopoeia specification compliance: USP/ChP

Storage: In an airtight container.


Properties and Benefits

Advanced sorbitol dehydration and refining technologies, with low impurities content and good batch-to-batch repeatability.

Enhance the capsule finish gloss for a premium appearance, prevent leakage and help to maintain a proper moisture balance within the capsule shell.

Remarkable compatibility with gelatin that ensures no migration, prevent leaching into the filler media or at the surface of the soft capsules.



It is often used as a plasticizer for soft capsules, and has good compatibility with gelatin. The surface of the prepared soft capsules is smooth and shiny, which can keep the capsule shell with proper moisture and is not easy to deform.

It can also be used in orally dissolving film preparations.
